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Products / Shop Tutorial Materiali Applications Applicazioni O-ring approvati per l’uso alimentare Acqua potabile, alimenti e settore farmaceutico Anelli di tenuta a profilo WR-15 secondo DIN 3869Gli anelli di tenuta a profilo WR-15 secondo DIN 3869 sono anelli di tenuta assialmente statici in elastomeri per la tenuta di raccordi filettati di tubi e raccordi. Standard Shaft Seals Guarnizioni per alberi FKM Guarnizioni radiali per alberi sollecitabili a pressione OS-PA31 V-ring X-ring evolast® FFKM Materiale ad alte prestazioni FKM Applicazioni petrolchimiche Manicotti di riparazione dell’albero Azienda Quality assurance News Download Contact Imprint Privacy Policy

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Although every care has been taken to assure the accuracy of the information on this web site, Anyseals NV provides this information 'as is' and disclaims all warranties, including, but limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular use and purpose. By using this web site you acknowledge that using this web site is at your sole risk, that you assume full responsibility for all cost associated with the use of this web site and that Anyseals NV shall not be liable for any direct, indirect as well as consequential or indirect damages of any kind arising from the usage of the information provided on this web site. We explicitly point out, that the conditions for each individual application may vary and may have a direct influence on the specification of our seals. Therefore all information provided on this web site must be understood as general and non binding data. Please do discuss any application with our application engineering staff. Anyseals NV does not warrant that this web site is free from viruses or other harmful elements despite having taken extensive precaution.


Anyseals NV

Preenakker 2-4

B-1785 Merchtem

T +32(0)52 38 19 - 20

Managing Director: Gerry Robberecht

VAT registration number: BE 0871936166

Company Register: RPR Brussels, Belgium